Frequently Asked Questions

If you require help not covered in our FAQ or have any other questions, please contact us.

Q: How do I turn off Google Analytics?

A: To comply with Google's terms and conditions, users can disable analytics. We implement this switch as a System Property which is true by default.

The user can disable analytics by command prompt when launching Confluence.

Alternatively, add the following code, which sets the System property to false:

--jvmargs ""

Q: Is there a way to hide overall ratings from users?

A: No

Q: Can users submit ratings in Data Center read-only mode?

A: No. If you are using Confluence Data Center and your administrator has temporarily switched your instance to Data Center read-only mode, Rating icons (e.g., stars) are displayed but are disabled. A rating cannot be selected or submitted. See Atlassian’s Using Read-only Mode for Site Maintenance to learn more about general Confluence use in Data Center read-only mode.

Q: Can we include multiple labels using an "AND" operator?

A: No, only a single label is supported.

Q: Do you provide access to your source code?

A: Although the add-on is free to use, we do not provide access to the source code.

Q: Can the rating data be cleared?

A: No

Q: Does it work for comments?

A: Yes, the Ratings for Confluence macro can be added to comments.

Due to Lucene error, the Rate Search macro cannot be used with Confluence 4.2.12. Ratings for Confluence has rogue text when used in the header or footer of the theme.

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