Our Early Access Programme (EAP) allows interested parties to try out the latest development releases of Theme Builder, prior to the final stable release. As such, you should not use EAP releases in production environments - they may contain bugs or partially complete functionality.

The 4.2 release continues on from the 4.1.4 branch of development, the version number has been changed to reflect the large number of fixes and improvements since 4.1.3 and also with the added support for Confluence 3.4.

Builder 4.2 requires Confluence 3.3 or greater.

Builder 4.2-RC1

This is our first Release Candidate for 4.2 - please try this if you have been experiencing problems with Theme Builder 4.1.3 or have just upgraded to Confluence 3.3 or 3.4.

previous early access milestones in this branch (before version number change):

Builder 4.1.4-M3

Builder 4.1.4-M2

Builder 4.1.4-M1


Builder 4.2 requires Confluence 3.3 or greater.

Reporting Problems

Please report any issues that you find on the Atlassian Plugins Studio