Panel Classes and IDs

This document lists the panels available in Theme Builder 2.0 and their CSS classes and HTML IDs...

Builder themed pages are organised in to several panels as illustrated below:

Each panel has a class and most have an ID allowing very precise control over style sheet settings:
||Page|.atb-page| |
||Header Bar|.atb-header|#header|
||Menu Bar|.atb-menu|#menu|
||Navigation Bar|.atb-navigation|#navigation|
||Left Sidebar|.atb-leftSidebar|#leftSidebar|
||Left Slider|.atb-sliderleft|#sliderleft|
||Page Title|.atb-title|#title|
||Page Content|.atb-content|#content|
||Page Footntotes|.atb-footnote|footnote|
||Right Slider|.atb-sliderright|#sliderright|
||Right Sidebar|.atb-rightSidebar|#rightSidebar|
||Footer Bar|.atb-footer|#footer|

(warning) Wherever possible, avoid using the ID in your style sheet as these may change in later versions of Builder.


Try making them more specific, eg:

.atb-body .atb-content h1 {
 color: red;