Adding Table of Contents

This tutorial describes how to add a table of contents to the menu bar...


Step 1 - Go in to Theme Configuration

To do this, open the Edit menu and choose "Administration" then "Configure Theme":

Step 2 - Editing the Menu

To add the table of contents to the menu, add the following notation to your menu script:

* Contents {toc}

That's it - simple, eh? Now save the theme configuration.

Step 3 - Make Sure it Works

Go to a normal page that has headings in and open the "Contents" menu:

As you can see, the menu is automatically generated from the text headings on the page.

Hints and Tips

You can place the toc macro under any menu item, including within sub-menus, for example:

* Browse
** By Headings {toc}

Frequently Asked Questions


Are there any other macros that create menus like this?


Yes. Any macro that outputs an un-ordered bulleted list can be used. Some additional examples are given in our Automated Menu Creation tutorial.