h1. Adding Table of Contents

*{excerpt}This tutorial describes how to add a table of contents to the menu bar...{excerpt}*

h2. Requirements

* You must have sufficient privileges to edit the theme configuration (ie. be a Space Administrator)
* You must have installed the [toc macro]

h2. Step 1 - Go in to Theme Configuration

To do this, open the *Edit* menu and choose *"Administration"* then *"Configure Theme"*:


h2. Step 2 - Editing the Menu

To add the table of contents to the menu, add the following notation to your menu script:


Which looks like:


That's it - simple, eh?  Now save the theme configuration.

h3. Step 3 - Make Sure it Works

Go to a normal page that has headings in and open the "Contents" menu:


As you can see, the menu is automatically generated from the text [headings] on the page.

h2. Hints and Tips

You can place the [toc macro] under any menu item, including within sub-menus, for example:

  {submenu}By Headings

Which results in:
  {submenu}By Headings

h2. Frequently Asked Questions

||Q|*Are there any other macros that create menus like this?*|
||A|Yes. Any macro that outputs an un-ordered bulleted list can be used. Some additional examples are given in our [Automated Menu Creation] tutorial.|