{warn}Builder 3.3.6 requires confluence 2.8 or above. Confluence 2.7 is no-longer supported{warn}
{info}For confluence 2.8.x and 2.9.x please ensure that you download the -conf28 variant{info}
{info}For confluence 3.x and 2.10.x please ensure that you download the -conf210 variant{info}

Our Early Access Programme (EAP) allows interested parties to try out the latest development releases of Theme Builder, prior to the final stable release. As such, you should not use EAP releases in production environments - they may contain bugs or partially complete functionality.

Builder 3.3.6 is {excerpt}a bugfix release primarily to address display issues in confluence 3.0{excerpt}

h2. Builder 3.3.6-M1

* Avoid chimping the entire JS resource is AJS is not present
* Escape URLS used by editinword
* Avoid double-scrolling fixed width layouts
* Update webui context generation to fit better with 3.0
* Escape values in alias tab
* Add profile-username macro
* Allow wikimenu to deal with ordered as well as unordered lists
* Fix quicksearcg drop-down positioning
* Ensure that the entity is an abstract page before trying to pull the list of attachments

h2. Download


h2. Reporting Problems

*Please report any issues that you find to* [*tracker.adaptavist.com*|https://tracker.adaptavist.com/browse/BSUP]