h2. Notes

* *Compatible with Confluence 2.9*
* Bug fixes for Confluence 2.8:
** User profile tabs now work correctly in Confluence 2.8.
** Confluence 2.8 comments display correctly in IE.
** Updated the breadcrumb parsing routines to work with 2.8 breadcrumbs.
* HTML changes:
** Space key is now included as a class on the body tag, eg. {{class="spacekey-WHATEVER"}}
** HTML IDs are now prefixed with "{{atb-}}" to avoid conflicts with Confluence's HTML IDs both present and future.
* General Updates:
** PNG versions of icons for PDF and Word are now provided.
** Users can now switch back to the 'default' layout for that space (eg. after latching an alternate layout) without specifying the ID of the spaces' default layout.
** Plings (!s) can now be used when specifying background images for panels.
** A new "{{asuser}}" parameter has been added to the [builder-show macro] and [builder-hide macro] to make it easier to test the output of the macros when used in combination with the permission filtering parameters
** The "{{viewattachments}}" link location now allows linking to attachments so users can conveniently download them without the requirement to have permission to add attachments.
** Icons can now be forced to display using the "{{forceicon}}" paramater (eg. if you have disabled menu icons in the Options tab)
** Known errors in the "Powered By" links have been fixed.
* Third-party Plugin Support:
** Added support for the Label Manager plugin.

h2. Recommendations

This is a recommended upgrade if:

* you are upgrading to Confluence 2.9.0
* you experienced minor display glitches in Confluence 2.8
* you use the Label Manager plugin

h2. Issue Tracker

|| Key: | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/bug.gif|align=absmiddle! Bug Fix | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/newfeature.gif|align=absmiddle! New Feature | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/task.gif|align=absmiddle! Task | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/improvement.gif|align=absmiddle! Improvement |
