Our Early Access Programme (EAP) allows interested parties to try out the latest development releases of Theme Builder, prior to the final stable release. As such, you should not use EAP releases in production environments - they may contain bugs or partially complete functionality.

Builder 4.0.0

removes usage of the problematic ext-js library and adds builder resources and zipped layout backups

Requires confluence 3.1

Upgrading to Builder 4.0.0-M8 or later will cause customised dashboard information to be 'lost', you should use the rebuild tool on the backup tab of builder admin to import the builder 3.x dashboard content to the new layout structure

Don't forget to upgrade to latest Page Information Tools and Content Formatting Macros plugins as those also have new releases for Confluence 3.1.

Builder 4.0.0-RC2

Builder 4.0.0-RC1

Builder 4.0.0-M10

Builder 4.0.0-M9

Builder 4.0.0-M8

Builder 4.0.0-M7

Builder 4.0.0-M6

Builder 4.0.0-M5-conf3

Builder 4.0.0-M4-conf3

Builder 4.0.0-M3-conf3

Builder 4.0.0-M2

Builder 4.0.0-M1


Builder 4.0.0 is beta grade software, you use it at your own risk

Requires confluence 3.1

Reporting Problems

Please report any issues that you find to tracker.adaptavist.com