Theme Builder - For Developers

Note: If you're a theme developer or designer, you probably want to read Builder - For Designers instead (wink)

Whether you want to theme your custom actions, make it easy for designers to add CSS to your macros or even want to create mini-applications, this theme provides an arsenal of functionality aimed at reducing your workload...

Seamless Integration

The theme is brimming with customisation options allowing you to seamlessly integrate your own features in to the wiki's navigation.

– pic showing menu linking to some custom app –

You can also seamlessly integrate your actions and macros in to the wiki by applying the theme to them.

By integrating your custom functionality this way, you're also able to divest most of the random aesthetic changes that occur over time by allowing designers to easily change theme-level navigation and style sheets.

CSS Injection

Leave the aesthetics to designers - add a few simple classes to your HTML markup and let them do the rest with CSS:

– pic –

The theme makes it easy for designers to inject CSS, leaving you free to get on with coding.

Menu Driven

Easily add menus to your own macros and actions using the royalty free menu system included as part of the theme's license:

– pic of menus –

You can even add menus to normal wiki content - perfect for creating online software simulations!

Browser Detection

Your client-side scripts can use the theme's inbuilt JavaScript browser classification API to determine all manner of information about the end-user environment.

– pic showing some of the methods/properties? –

HTML Injection

Theme Builder fully supports the Custom HTML feature found within Confluence - administrators can inject HTML in to the <head>, just below the <body> and just above the </body> tags.

User Macros

You can also use User Macros (another standard admin-only Confluence feature) to inject HTML in to theme panels and page content. With the added benefit of Velocity templating, you can pass in parameters, do simple iterations and conditional logic, etc.

<html> tag

Theme Builder allows you to add additional markup inside the opening <html> tag - useful for things like the Google Maps API that requires this sort of thing.

Scriptix Compatible

Have you seen our free Scriptix plugin? It lets you write macros, servlets, actions, etc., in languages like PHP, JavaScript and Python:

– pic of scriptix eye candy –

Theme Builder allows you to embed scriptix macros in to the theme and allows you to apply the theme to your scriptix global-, space- and page-level actions.

Now you can not only write Confluence extensions in a huge array of scripting languages, you can tightly integrate them in to the UI as well!

Macros Galore

This theme is chock full of all kinds of useful macros to help with a wide variety of tasks.

– pic from plugin manager showing some of them –

For example, you can show or hide your own macros in the theme or in pages based on page title, labels, context and mode to name but a few. You can run your macros in the context of other pages and even other spaces if so desired, simply by wrapping them in macros included in the theme plugin.

Third Party Plugins

There's a vast array of open source plugins available for Confluence and you can easily wire them in to the UI.

– pic of chart plugin –

You can generate navigation and content using SQL, XSLT, scripting languages, Java plugins, user macros, portlets to name but a few.

– pic of diagram macro –

The picture above was generated using a mixture of XML, XSLT, user macros and the Diagram plugin. See it in action...


By now you must have realised that the mix of Confluence and Theme Builder is a great platform for "mashups". When you throw Scriptix and the huge number of other open source plugins in to the mix, not to mention any custom plugins you could write, you can do pretty much anything.

Source Code Included

Found a bug and need it fixing immediately? Need to tweak the way something works? No problem - you get the full plugin source code with the commercial license!

The source code is also ideal for finding out how to do some of the more tricky tasks in Confluence programming.

Battle-tested Reliability

Theme Builder has been around since Confluence 1.4 and is in use by almost 1000 organisations in over 50 countries. It's been tested on a huge range of client and server platforms.

We're constantly performance-tuning, bug-fixing and updating the theme so you're never left behind.

Awesome Technical Support

When you raise a support query on our issue tracker, you're not wading through first-line support. You're straight through to our developers who can give you a quick and authoritative answer.

---- there must be more stuff that's useful for developers?