This document lists the panels available in Theme Builder 2.0 and their CSS classes and HTML IDs...

Builder themed pages are organised in to several panels as illustrated below:

Each panel has a class and most have an ID allowing very precise control over style sheet settings:

||Page|.atb-page| |
||Header Bar|.atb-header|#header|
||Menu Bar|.atb-menu|#menu|
||Navigation Bar|.atb-navigation|#navigation|
||Left Sidebar|.atb-leftSidebar|#leftSidebar|
||Left Slider|.atb-sliderleft|#sliderleft|
||Page Title|.atb-title|#title|
||Page Content|.atb-content|#content|
||Page Footntotes|.atb-footnote|footnote|
||Right Slider|.atb-sliderright|#sliderright|
||Right Sidebar|.atb-rightSidebar|#rightSidebar|
||Footer Bar|.atb-footer|#footer|

(warning) Wherever possible, avoid using the ID in your style sheet as these may change in later versions of Builder.


Try making them more specific, eg:

.atb-body .atb-content h1 {
 color: red;