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We've also integrated the theme with the open source Matadata Plugin (all versions!) so you can show and hide content based on metadata on the current page and even parent pages. (smile)

Web UI link integration

Theme Builder replaces the vast majority of Confluence navigation links and allows theme designers and navigation architects to completely customise the navigation.

A slight downside to this is that your Web UI plugin components won't appear by default because the default. But fear not - using the menulink macro you can easily show your Web UI links absolutely anywhere - in menus, as text links, even on specific pages!

If you've developed a publicly available plugin, even a commercial one, let us know what your Web UI links are and we'll add named links for them in to the next release of the theme - free of charge!


By now you must have realised that the mix of Confluence and Theme Builder is a great platform for "mashups". When you throw Scriptix and the huge number of other open source plugins in to the mix, not to mention any custom plugins you could write, you can do pretty much anything.

By using the theme for your mashups or other development efforts, you are instantly integrated with all the other disciplines involved with your wiki including designers, content authors, administrators, navigation architects and more...

Source Code Included

Found a bug and need it fixing immediately? Need to tweak the way something works? No problem - you get the full plugin source code with the commercial license!


Theme Builder has been around since Confluence 1.4 and is in use by 1000+ organisations in 50+ countries. It's been tested on a huge range of client and server platforms. It's even being used on the worlds largest privately owned medical ship!

With customers delivering wiki content to rural India and remote regions in Africa we've had to focus really hard on performance. We're constantly performance- tuning, bug-fixing and updating the theme so you're never left behind.


When you raise a support query on our issue tracker, you're not wading through first-line support. You're straight through to the plugin developers who can give you a quick and authoritative answer.

You can even add bug reports and feature requests directly to our public issue tracker - --- there must be more stuff that's useful for developers?the authoritative "to-do list" for our developers. The theme is primarily developed based on your feedback and you'd be surprised at how quickly we can get new features rolled out and patch releases for urgent bug fixes.