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Theme Builder Plugin - For Search Engine Optimisation


Theme Builder is


the only theme that lets you optimise Confluence for search engines!

Document Title Customisation


The title can be just static text or even include macros to output the site title, space title and page title as required.


Page labels automatically create meta keywords in the HTML:

– pic –

This is particularly useful if you have enterprise search appliances or web services which look for specific terms in your metadata vocabulary.

Customisable Page Description

You can define the page description by simply wrapping content in the excerpt macro:

Code Block

{excerpt}Theme Builder is the only theme that lets you optimise Confluence for search engines!{excerpt}

Will result in the following being added to the HTML:

Code Block

<META name="description" content="Theme Builder is the only theme that lets you optimise Confluence for search engines!">

Deferred Panel Loading

Demote the importance of boilerplate content in panels such as the header, footer and sidebars by optionally loading any of them after the main page content:


A search engine will see a very different structure to the page than an end-user - finally a win, win situation!

You can also move in-page content to other locations at runtime - this allows you to put less important text further down the page and then move it further up the page or in to sidebars, etc., when rendered in the browser.

Deferred Breadcrumb Trail


– pic of markup –

As well as outputting nofollow directives automatically for certain links (such as an Edit link), you can now optionally add the directive to any link generated by the menulink macro (the macro that's used for almost all of the navigation).
