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Page tree

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The move-to macro allows you to move content defined within a page to a place holder within a panel.

You first need to create a place holder (or target) for the content within the panel:

Code Block

{div:id=left-sidebar-custom-panel}This is the target{div}

To move content from the current page, wrap it in the move-to macro and specify it's target:

Code Block

 This will be moved in to the target, replacing any existing content in the target

If nothing is moved in to the target, it's content ("This is the target" in the example above) will be shown by default. If the page being viewed moves something in to the target, it's existing contents will be overwritten.

This is useful because it allows you to customise panel content from within your wiki pages so long as the theme design provides targets for the moved content.

Page-specific layout

If you need extreme customisation for a specific page, you can choose to use a completely different layout. For more information, please see use-layout macro.