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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

If you need support with any aspect of Theme Builder, we can respond faster if you do the following...

Is the question already answered?

It's always quicker to find an existing answer on our website than it is to raise a support ticket.

Our Theme Builder Support page lists all the most common questions and their answers – please always read through that page first as it answers about 60% of support queries we get!

You can also enter what it is you're looking for in the search box at the top of the page, eg. "hide powered by" if you want to find out how to hide the "Powered By" line at the bottom of themed pages.

The search scans the whole site - you can filter it down to just this space (or any other) using the options on the right of the search results page.

We need specifics!

It saves a great deal of time if you can tell us the following information whenever you ask for assistance:

  • What version of Theme Builder are you using – you can find the exact version by selecting the plugin in the Plugin Manager
  • What version of Confluence are you using – you can find this at the bottom of pages in the Administration Console
  • Is your wiki clustered?
  • Which web browser (and version) and operating system are you using?

It also helps if you can provide screen grabs (where applicable) and backups of your theme settings.

To take a backup of your theme settings, either:

  • For Builder 2.x, go in to the theme configuration screen and choose "File > Download Settings"
  • For Builder 3.x, go in to Theme Administration and from the Backup Tab download all layouts.

Don't post support requests in the public tracker

Our public issue tracker at https://jira.adaptavist.com is primarily for keeping a record of processed feature requests and bug reports.

It's not nearly as heavily managed as our secure tracker at https://tracker.adaptavist.com

If you post in to the "jira" site, you could be waiting days or months before you get an answer. If you post to the "tracker" site, you'll generally have a solution in the same day.

Be patient but not too patient

Wherever possible, we try to answer support requests as soon as we see them.

However, there are certain times when we're just snowed under - eg. during roll-out of a new version of a plugin, national holidays or even just peak sales season. At such times, it might take us a day or two to reply so please be patient.

That being said, if you've not received a response within a week at most, post a comment asking for an update. If for some reason your request has slipped off our radar, posting a comment will ping us!

Hand to Adaptavist

As our customer count has steadily grown (by about 100% a year!) we've had to optimise the way we deal with support. The primary optimisation is knowing when our input is needed on support tickets – specifically when they are marked as "With Adaptavist".

We've updated our https://tracker.adaptavist.com site to automatically hand tickets to us whenever possible - eg. when you post a comment you'll be prompted to hand the ticket to us.

However there are some fringe cases where it still leaves tickets marked as "Open" instead of "With Adaptavist".

If you're ticket is not marked as "With Adaptavist", there's a good chance we won't notice it because we focus mostly on tickets that are flagged for our attention.

You can hand tickets to us using the "Hand to Adaptavist" link on the top-left of your ticket pages.