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{list-pages} macro


The {list-pages} macro generates a list of pages based on the parameters given to it.

It allows listing pages based on:

  • a specific page name,
  • page hierarchy (parent/child relationships),
  • page labels, and
  • metadata keys or key:value pairs which the pages must have.


The macro searches for pages based on these properties in the current space by default, or in any number of spaces which can be specified in the macro parameters.



This macro requires Builder 3.0 or above.


Code Block
 {list-pages:direction=ancestors|startPage=My Page|space=DOC|title=Page 1,Page 2|label=test,label2|metadata=key1,key2:value1,key2:value2|default=Default Page} 


Specifying the starting page for the search
Specifying the starting page for the search
Wiki Markup

You may specify the page at which the \{list-pages} macro should start searching.  By default (if nothing is specified) this will be the current page.

For instance, to list all pages in a space, specify the spacekey: as the parameter for startPage as follows:

 List of all children pages in the [Builder|Builder:] space

Which results in:

List of all children pages in the [Builder|Builder:] space

Searching in more than one space
Searching in more than one space
Wiki Markup

You can set the \{list-pages} macro to search for pages in more than one space.

By default, the macro will search for pages in the current space.  You can specify a different space with {{startPage=spacekey:}} as per the example above.  Additionally, you can specify a list of spaces to search in:

 List of pages in the [Builder|Builder:] and [Bubbles|Bubbles:] spaces:

Which results in:

List of pages in the [Builder|Builder:] and [Bubbles|Bubbles:] spaces

List all pages with specific names
List all pages with specific names
Wiki Markup

The \{list-pages} macro can retrieve pages based on their names (page titles).  For this, use the following syntax:

 List of pages titled "Panel Macros", "Menu Macros", or "Utility Macros" in the [Builder|Builder:] space:
{list-pages:direction=down|startPage=Builder:|title=Panel Macros,Menu Macros,Utility Macros}

Which results in:

List of pages titled "Panel Macros", "Menu Macros", or "Utility Macros" in the [Builder|Builder:] space:
{list-pages:direction=down|startPage=Builder:|title=Panel Macros,Menu Macros,Utility Macros}
