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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

with-* macros overview


The with-* macros allow to


render a block of wiki markup in the context of another page

(assuming the user has permissions to access the other page).

For instance, from the current page, you could call the {with-ancestors} macro to search for parent pages (up the page tree) matching the given criteria. The body of the {with-ancestors} macro would then be rendered, in the current page, using the page found by the macro as the context.

If By default if several pages match the search parameters, then the with-* macro will use the first page found. For instance, using {with-ancestors:direction=up|label=test} will use the first ancestor page going up the page tree which is labeled 'test'. If needed the block of content can be rendered for each page found by setting searchMode=list (Builder 3.3.2)

The following with-* macros are available:




  • sibling} - same as {with-page:direction=sibling}

The macros include variables to refer to the resulting page's ID and title. For example, for the {with-page} macro, these are %withpageid% and %withpagetitle% respectively.
