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Page tree

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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Show or hide content based on page

Use the builder-show macro or builder-hide macro to display or hide content based on properties of the current page such as its title, labels or metadata.

For example, to show content for a page with a specific title use:

Code Blocknoformat
{builder-show:title=Meeting Notes}
 The title of this page is "Meeting Notes"

To hide content based on page labels, use:

Code Blocknoformat
 This will be shown everywhere, except pages with a label of "do-not-show".

You can mix the macros together, for example if you wanted to show some content on the "Meeting Notes" page except when it has a label of "do-not-show", use:

Code Blocknoformat
{builder-show:title=Meeting Notes}
  This will be shown if the page title is "Meeting Notes" except when the page has a label of "do-not-show".

For more examples, please see builder-show macro or builder-hide macro.

Show or hide content based on location

Use the recurse=true parameter on the builder-show or builder-hide macros to check both the current page and all it's parent pages. For example:

Code Blocknoformat
 This page is in the tutorials section of the space.


Move page content to a panel

The move-to macro allows you to move content defined within a page to a place holder within a panel.

You first need to create a place holder (or target) for the content within the panel:

Code Blocknoformat
{div:id=left-sidebar-custom-panel}This is the target{div}

To move content from the current page, wrap it in the move-to macro and specify it's target:

Code Blocknoformat
 This will be moved in to the target, replacing any existing content in the target


If you need extreme customisation for a specific page, you can choose to use a completely different layout. For more information, please see use-layout macro.


Next page: 3 - Space Level Menus