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h1. Installing Builder

*{excerpt}Installing and upgrading the Builder theme...{excerpt}*

h2. Requirements

* Check the [System Requirements]
* The {builder} theme requires Confluence 2.1.2 or above.
* You must have system administration privileges to install the theme
* You must have sufficient privileges to restart {confluence}
* You must have correctly set the *Base URL* in Confluence's [General Configuration] settings.

h2. Installing the Builder Plugin

{note}If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Builder, please see the important notes on [upgrading Builder|#Upgrading Builder] later in this tutorial.{note}

Take a full backup of Confluence then follow the instructions applicable to the [version of the Builder theme|Builder Release Notes] you are using as shown below:

For best results, we recommend using Builder 2.0 or above and use of the [Confluence Repository Client] to install the plugins - installing versions which are incompatible with your Confluence install is our #1 installation support request!

h3. Builder 2.0 and above

{warning}*Confluence v2.3 and Above*
You can install the latest versions of the Builder plugin and it's dependencies.

*Confluence v2.2.10 and Below*
You must install the following versions:

* Builder [v2.0.3-conf22|http://files.adaptavist.com/dist/builder/adaptavist-plugin-themeBuilder-2.0.3-conf22.jar]
* Content Formatting Macros [v1.6.3|http://svn.atlassian.com/svn/public/contrib/confluence/contentFormattingMacros-plugin/trunk/dist/adaptavist-plugin-contentFormattingMacros-1.6.3.jar]
* Page Info Plugin [v1.2.2|http://svn.atlassian.com/svn/public/contrib/confluence/pageInfo-plugin/trunk/dist/adaptavist-plugin-pageInfo-1.2.2.jar]

If you use the [Confluence Repository Client], these versions would automatically be selected for you.

Before installing Builder 2.0, please install the latest versions of the following plugins:

* [Page Information Plugin] ([CONFEXT|http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFEXT/Page+Information+Plugin])
* [Content Formatting Macros] ([CONFEXT|http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFEXT/Content+Formatting+Macros])

NB: To get the very latest versions of these plugins you might need to configure the repository client to show "All Versions" of plugins.

You can then install the [Builder Theme] using the plugin repository client.

h3. Builder 1.5.x and 1.6.x

Upload the .jar file using the [Plugin Manager] in the [Administration Console] and restart {confluence}.

Once installed, you will need to apply the theme to a space (see [Enabling the Theme]).

h2. Upgrading Builder

Before upgrading Builder, please take a full backup and ensure that you have uninstalled any previous versions:

* If you manually installed the plugin to the WEB-INF/lib folder, you must manually delete that file
* If you uploaded via the [Plugin Manager], select the "Site Builder" plugin from within the [Plugin Manager] and click the "Uninstall Plugin" link to remove it{footnote}On some occasions, you may get an error message stating that the plugin could not be uninstalled. Should this happen, restart Confluence and try again.{footnote}

After uninstalling any previous versions, you can install the new version as described earlier in this tutorial.


h2. Bug Reports and Feature Requests

Before reporting a bug, please check our [Builder Release Notes] - it's possible a recent version of the theme already resolves the issue you have.

Our tutorial on [Bug Reports and Feature RequestsReporting Bugs] explains the process for informing us of bugs or ideas for new features for the {builder} theme. It also lists all currently reported items and has a link to our development roadmap.