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Wiki Markup
h1. \{menulink} Macro

h2. Description

This macro {excerpt}creates a link to a specific Confluence feature{excerpt} in relation to the current location within the wiki.

Each link destination abides by all applicable permissions - should the user not have sufficient permission to use the link, or simply be in a location where the link is not applicable, the body of the macro is returned un-linked (which is then usually hidden by the [menuitem macro]).

h2. Usage

{menulink:linktype|tootlip=tooltip text|accesskey=key}Link Text{menulink}

h2. Parameters

||_default_|(/)| |The destination to link to (see list below)|
||space|(x)|_current space_|Optionally set the space to which the link relates.|
||page|(x)|_current page_|Optionally set the page to which the link relates, eg. when using the "newpage" destination you can define the parent page with this parameter.{footnote}Use Builder 2.0.7 or above if you are using Confluence 2.5 or above to get the "page" parameter to work properly.{footnote}|
||parent|(x)|_space homepage_|When using the "exportMail" destination, this defines the page that will be the parent of the new page containing the exported mail message.|
||link|(x)| |When using the "custom" destination (see examples) this is the URL to link to.|
||target|(x)| |When using the "toggleVisibility" destination (see examples) this is the HTML id of the tag to show/hide.|
||tooltip|(x)| |The tooltip to display when the mouse hovers over the link (max: 77 chars for cross-platform compatibility){footnote}When using the link in a menu, tooltips will only be shown if enabled in theme configuration. In all other formats, the tooltip will always be shown when the mouse hovers over the link.{footnote}|
||accesskey|(x)| |An optional shortcut key for the link which can be any alphanumeric character{footnote}When using links inside menus, you can also prefix a letter in the link text with an "_" to define the access key - this letter will then be underlined when displayed in the menu. Access keys only work when the associated item is visible on screen.{footnote}|
||target|(x)|_current browser window_|An optional target window or frame in which to load the link destination.|
||class|(x)| |Optional HTML classes to associated with the hyperlink.|


h2. Link Destinations

The following destinations are currently supported by this macro (the *Ver* column denotes which version of Theme Builder is required):

||Destination||Default Location||Notes||Ver||
||advanced|Edit > Administration > Advanced|Displays the "advanced" screen|2.0.0|
||children|View > Show Children|If a page has child pages, this option allows the user to toggle their display|2.0.0|
||comments|View > Show Comments|If a page has comments, this option allows the user to toggle their display|2.0.0|
||configuretheme|Edit > Administration > Configure Theme|Displays the theme configuration page|2.0.0|
||copy|Edit > Copy this Page...|Creates an editable copy of a page (and optionally copies over it's children)| |
||custom| |Allows you to specify a custom URL. This is often useful if you want an external web page to launch in a new window because you can combine it with the "target" parameter.| |
||dashboard|View > Other Pages > Dashbaord|Site dashboard| |
||edit|Edit > Edit this Page/News...|Edits the current page or news item|2.0.0|
||emailpage|View > This Page > Email This Page...|Allows a user to email the current page to a friend.|2.0.7|
||exportMail|View > This Page > Export to Wiki Page|When viewing a mail message in the space mail archive, this will export that message (including attachments) to a new, editable wiki page|2.0.7|
||exportPDF|View > This Page > Export to Adobe Acrobat (PDF)|Exports the page (and in some versions of Confluence, a blog post) to a PDF file| |
||exportWord|View > This Page > Export to Microsoft Word|Exports the page (and in some versions of Confluence, a blog post) to a Word document| |
||favourite|View > This Page > Add/remove favourite|Adds or removes the current page/news/space to or from personal favourites| |
||globaltemplates|Edit > Administration > Global Templates|Displays the global templates| |
||history|View > Account > History|Displays the history of visited pages, for the current user, in a new window| |
||home|View > Other Pages > Home Page|If used within a Space, this takes the user to the space home page. If used anywhere else, the site home page is shown. The site home page is either the user's homepage (if set in their profile), the site homepage (if set in General Configuration) or the Dashboard (default)| |
||index|View > Other Pages > Index|Displays the alphabetical index of content in a Space| |
||information|View > This Page > Page Information|Displays information for a page or blog post| |
||labels|View > Other Pages > Labels|Displays the labels within a space or global labels if used outside a Space| |
||login|View > Account > Login|If the user is logged out, this will take them to the login screen| |
||logout|View > Account > Logout|If the user is logged in, this will take them to the logout screen| |
||mail|View > Mail|If a Space has mail in it's mail archive, this will display the mail archive| |
||map|View > Other Pages > Site Map|Displays the tree view of hierarchical pages (with current page selected if applicable) within a Space| |
||newcomment|Edit > New > Comment...|Creates a new comment on a page or news item (blog post) within a Space| |
||newnews|Edit > New > News...|Creates a new news item (blog post) within a Space| |
||newpage|Edit > New > Page...|Creates a new page within a Space| |
||newspace|Edit > New > Space...|Creates a new Space| |
||news|View > Other Pages > News|Displays the recent news within a Space| |
||normalView|View > This Page > Normal view|The normal view of a page. When viewing attachments, info, etc., on pages and blogs, this will take you to the actual page view| |
||pageattachments|Edit > Attachments|Displays the attachments for a page or news item| |
||printableView|View > This Page > Printable view|The print preview of any page. If a sidebar is set to be "collapsed by default" it will not appear in the print preview. The menu and navigation bars are never shown in print preview.| |
||profile|View > Account > Preferences: <name>|If the user is logged in, this will take them to their personal profile screen| |
||recent|View > Other Pages > Recent Updates|Displays the list of recent updates within a Space| |
||remove|Edit > Remove this Page/News...|Deletes (after confirmation) the current page or news item| |
||RSS|View > Other Pages > RSS Feed Builder|Displays the RSS Feed Builder| |
||search| |Links to the search screen (defaulting to searching the current space where applicable).| |
||signup|View > Account > Sign-up|Displays the user sign-up screen (if public sign-up is enabled in General Configuration)| 2.0.2|
||siteadmin|Edit > Administration > Site Administration|Displays the Administration Console| |
||spaceadmin|Edit > Administration > Space Administration|Displays teh Space administration screen| |
||spaceattachments|View > Other Pages > Attachments|Displays the attachments index within a Space| |
||spacetemplates|Edit > Administration > Space Templates|Displays the templates within a Space| |
||toggleVisibility| |Shows or hides a HTML tag (and it's contents) based on it's HTML id (see examples).| |
||userspace| |Displays the users' personal space if they have one, otherwise it displays their personal profile| |
||watch|View > This Page > Watch this page/news/space|Toggles email notifications when current page/news/space is changed| |

h3. Third-Party Plugin Link Destinations

The following destinations are used to provide links to features in third-party plugins:

||Destination||Suggested Location||Notes||Ver||Plugin||
||addgliffydiagram|Edit > New > Diagram...|Adds a new Gliffy diagram to a wiki page.|2.0.8|[Gliffy|http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFEXT/Gliffy+Plugin+for+Confluence+-+Diagram+and+draw+in+Confluence]|
||admingliffy|Edit > Admiinstration > Gliffy...|Links to the Gliffy administration screen.|2.0.8|[Gliffy|http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFEXT/Gliffy+Plugin+for+Confluence+-+Diagram+and+draw+in+Confluence]|
||podcastpage|Edit > Podcast Settings...|Configures Podcast settings for a page.|2.0.8|[Podcast|http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFEXT/Podcasting+Plugin]|
||podcastnews|Edit > Podcast Settings...|Configures Podcast settings for a blog post (news).|2.0.8|[Podcast|http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFEXT/Podcasting+Plugin]|
||podcastchannels|View > Other Pages > Podcasts|Displays Podcast channels screen for a space (which also allows channels to be edited).|2.0.8|[Podcast|http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFEXT/Podcasting+Plugin]|
||customusermanagement|Edit > Administration > User Management...|Displays screen for editing the user group associated with current space.|2.0.8|[Custom Space User Management|http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFEXT/Custom+Space+User+Management+Plugin]|
||editgridaddbook|Edit > New > Spreadsheet...|Adds a new editable spreadsheet to the page.|2.0.8|[Edit Grid|http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFEXT/EditGrid+Plugin+-+Edit+Spreadsheet+in+Confluence]|
||review|Edit > New > Review...|Adds a new review for the current page.|2.0.8|Mark for Review|
||reviewreport|Edit > Administration > Reviews|Displays review report for the space.|2.0.8|Mark for Review|
||reviewspaceconfig|Edit > Administration > Review - Space Config|Space-level configuration for Reviews.|2.0.8|Mark for Review|
||reviewglobalconfig|Edit > Administration > Review - Admin Config|Global configuration for Reviews.|2.0.8|Mark for Review|

h2. Examples

h3. Basic use
You can create a link to the dashboard as follows:

{menulink:dashbaord}Go to the dashbaord{menulink}
h3. Links in menus
When you are adding links in menus, wrap them in the [menuitem macro]:

{menuitem}{menulink:dashbaord}Go to the dashbaord{menulink}{menuitem}
h3. Links to other spaces
You can link to a feature in another space as follows:

{menulink:map|space=wibble}Wibble Site Map{menulink}

This would show the site map in the Space with a key of "wibble", regardless of where you are in your site.
h3. Tooltips and Access Keys
To add tooltips and access keys, use the following notation:

{menulink:newcomment|accesskey=c|tooltip=Add comment}Add a comment...{menulink}
h3. Hiding Inactive Links
If a menulink is not applicable (eg. user doesn't have privilages or the link does not relate to the current location within your site, etc) then the body text of the link will be output unlinked.

For example, if a user does not have comment privileges, then they would see the link shown in the previous example as:

Add a comment...

Obviously, that's not very useful so you want to hide inactive menu links. To do this, use the [menuitem macro] which will hide it's body content if there are no links in it:

{menuitem:flat=true}{menulink:newcomment}Add a comment...{menulink}{menuitem}

If the body of the [menuitem macro] doesn't contain a link, it will not be shown.
h3. Link Target
You can open the link destination in a specific frame or window using the ??target?? parameter:

{menulink:map|target=_blank}Open site map in new window{menulink}

Which results in: {menulink:map|target=_blank}Open site map in new window{menulink}
h3. Toggle the Visibility of an on-screen element
(!) There is a bug in Builder 2.0.1 - please don't use this link destination until further notice as it doesn't work.

You can toggle the visibility of any HTML tag with a unique id using the code below:

{div:id=visdemo}*This is a div tag with id of "visdemo" that you can show or hide using the link below.*{div}

{menulink:toggleVisibility|target=visdemo}Toggle the text above{menulink}

As you can see, the div tag has been given a HTML id - the raw HTML looks like this:

<div id="visdemo"> ... <div>

And the "target" parameter in the menulink macro states what id will be toggled.

The result:

{div:id=visdemo}*This is a div tag with id of "visdemo" that you can show or hide using the link below.*{div}

{menulink:toggleVisibility|target=visdemo}Toggle the text above{menulink}

If you want the tag to initially be hidden, use the "display:none" CSS style:

{div:id=visdemo1|style=display:none;}*This is a div tag with id of "visdemo1" that you can show or hide using the link below.*{div}

{menulink:toggleVisibility|target=visdemo1}Show/hide the text above{menulink}

The div tag will now be output with a style attribute like this:

<div id="visdemo1" style="display:none;"> ... <div>

Note that we've changed the id from "visdemo" to "visdemo1" - that's because a HTML id must be unique to the entire web page. If there are two or more occurrences of the same id, the results can be very unpredictable so make sure to use unique id's.

The result (it starts hidden so click the link to see it):

{div:id=visdemo1|style=display:none;}*This is a div tag with id of "visdemo1" that you can show or hide using the link below.*{div}

{menulink:toggleVisibility|target=visdemo1}Show/hide the text above{menulink}

h3. Linking to other sites
To add tooltips and access keys, use the following notation:


h2. Hints and Tips

You can create keyboard shortcuts by adding empty menulinks to a panel in builder (eg. title or footnotes panel, etc), for example:

{menulink:edit|tooltip=Edit this content|accesskey=e}{menulink}

This would add the keyboard shortcut "Alt+E" to all screens that can be edited (eg. blogposts, pages, etc). The shortcut would only be available if the current user has sufficient privileges to edit the page, etc.