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Page tree

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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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The title can be just static text or include macros to output the site title, space title and page title as required.

Automatic Keywords

Page labels automatically create meta keywords:

– pic –

Deferred Panel Loading

Demote the importance of boilerplate content in panels such as the header, footer and sidebars by optionally loading any of them after the main page content:


A breadcrumb trail output at the top of the page makes search engines think those links are most important - by default Theme Builder outputs the breadcrumb links after the rest of your content to give higher priority to page-specific links:


We've reduced HTML clutter, such as inline scripts and styles, to an absolute minimum (some "cruft" is still required by Confluence) leaving the vast majority of the markup dedicated to content, navigation and basic layout, content and navigation.