[All Adaptavist Apps]

Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • fix webui icons
  • allow pagetree2 to deal with missing space home pages
  • fix 'online documentation' links
  • add confluence 2.7 layout
  • dont encode page titles for Office Connector
  • add Browse Space menulink
  • make url aliases work with page names
  • allow builder 3.x to behave similarly to 2.x with @SPACEKEY@ layout defaulting

Builder 3.3.3-M3 & Builder 3.3.3-M3-conf210

  • Fix layout defaulting
  • Ensure clearing layout latch results in cleared layout not latched layout
  • Fix page=SPACEKEY:pagename context check
  • Generate 2.10 specific default dashboard code
  • Add layout manager menulink to default layout
  • Make manage-layouts only accessible to space-admin & site admin

Here you will find pre-release versions of builder, please report any issues that you find to tracker.adaptavist.com