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How it Works

The LaTeX macro can be used to convert LaTeX mathematical language to HTML. This can be useful for displaying mathematical/scientific equations on a page or formatting in a certain style.

This macro requires some previous knowledge of using LaTeX and LaTeX Mathematics. It may also be useful to review the documentation for MathJax, which enables the conversion between LaTeX and HTML and provides a range of informative examples on using the language. 

Install Latex for Confluence

If you are a Confluence admin, you can install Latex for Confluence in two ways; Either directly from the Atlassian Marketplace or from the Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) in Confluence.

Install from the marketplace listing

  1. Navigate to the Latex for Confluence listing in the Atlassian Marketplace.

  2. Click Try it Free.

  3. Click the Start Free Trial button for Confluence Cloud.

  4. Select the Confluence site where you want to install the app, then click Start Free Trial.

  5. Once installed, the selected Confluence site is opened with the Add to Confluence screen displayed.

  6. Click Manage Apps to view the installed app details.

Install via the UPM in Confluence

  1. Log into your Confluence instance as an admin.

  2. Click Settings in the Confluence sidebar.

  3. Select Find New Apps under Atlassian Marketplace.

  4. Search for Latex for Confluence.

  5. Click the Latex for Confluence app tile.

  6. Click Try it Free.

  7. Click Start Free Trial in the Add to Confluence screen.

  8. Once installed, a success dialog is displayed. Click the Manage App link to view the installed app details.

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