
Versioning in Guided Pathways helps you manage and track changes in your guides. Each time a change is made to a published guide it is tracked and highlighted, allowing you to view all unpublished changes to a guide before publishing.

View Changes

To view unpublished changes to a guide, click View Changes.

The Unpublished Changes screen displays all changes made to the guide since it was last published. Guided pathways tracks when content is added, removed, and changed.

  • Content Added - Any new text, steps, content, or buttons added since the guide was last published are highlighted in Green.

  • Contend Removed - Any text, steps, content, or buttons removed since the guide was last published is highlighted in Red.

  • Content Changed - Any text, steps, content, or buttons changed since the guide was last published is highlighted in Blue.

You can view changes to the Guide information by selecting it from the left-hand menu of the Unpublished Changes screen.

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