Create a New Guide

To start creating a guide, click Create a guide at the top of the page.

This brings you to the Guide Creation page. You need to enter the following information:

  1. Guide Title: Give your guide a meaningful name that lets people know what it's for.

  2. Category: You can select a category from the dropdown box or create your own category by typing the category name and pressing Enter or clicking Create at the bottom of the dropdown. You can use Category to filter guides on the Guide Discovery page.

  3. Description: Give a short description of your guide. You only have 100 characters, so keep it snappy!

The information you enter here is shown in the table displayed on the Guide Discovery page. Users can edit this information in the guide editor after creation.

Click Create to create your guide.

You're now ready to add steps to your guide. Please take a look at the Add Steps page for more info.