Checkbox Group


Checkboxes should be used when you want your users to select one or more options from a set. The checkbox groups let you quickly set a group of checkboxes for your users to choose from.


  1. Create your Form using the Forms for Confluence macro.
  2. Add the Forms - Checkbox Group macro to the form.
  3. Set a Name for the group.
  4. Set a Label for the group; this will appear next to the checkbox options.

    1. (Optional) Set a Description for the group.
  5. Define a checkbox option:
    • Set a Label
    • Set a Value
    • Set the Default for this option to be checked/unchecked.
  • Click the "+" sign for additional checkbox options and repeat 7.
  • Once all checkbox options have been added, Save the macro.
  • A graphical placeholder of the macro will be added to the page.
  • Preview or Save the page to see the final checkboxes.
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