Support and Cancellations


Do you have a question or an issue? We can help!
Raise a ticket through our support portal, and we'll get back to you shortly.


Subscriptions may be canceled at any time. Cancel through any Power-Up's Edit Power-Up Settings page.

Disabling a Power-Up from your board will not cancel your subscription. The license must be canceled. Follow the steps below to unsubscribe.


To cancel a subscription to an Orah Power-Up:

  1. Click the Power-Ups menu option.

  2. Click your desired Orah Power-Up. The Power-Up's main screen will appear.
  3. Click App Settings in the left-hand menu.
  4. Click Manage your license in the Orah apps license section of the App Settings page.
  5. Click Continue to Orah Store. Ensure the associated account is logged in.
  6. Click the Licenses tab at the top of the page.

    The associated licences will display.

  7. Click the Cancel button for any license to terminate.

For further assistance, please continue to our Support page.

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