This page contains answers to frequently asked questions about Data Control for Jira.

Solutions to frequently asked questions

Which fields will the admin be required to fill to connect the app with their storage provider?

Storage provider

Configuration fields


Access key, Secret access key, Bucket name, Path


Storage account name, Storage account key, Container name

Google Cloud

Email, Access key, Bucket name

Can admin users change the storage provider?

  • Yes, users have the flexibility to switch cloud providers. However, they will be prompted to transfer the attached documents to the new provider to avoid potential data loss.

What happens if a user duplicates/clones a Jira issue?

  • Attached files will not be duplicated in duplicate issues, and the cloned issue will not have links to those files. No pop-up warnings will be displayed for this action in the initial version.

What happens if a user deletes a Jira issue?

  • Deleting a Jira issue will not remove attached documents from the cloud provider, as there is no mechanism to trigger document deletion upon issue deletion.

What happens if the user moves the issue to another Jira project?

  • Moving an issue retains file metadata within the issue, ensuring attached files move with the issue. File metadata is preserved even during project exports and imports.

    File metadata

    While this is the case for project exports and imports, file metadata is not stored using the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant tool.

Do we provide an account with the storage provider?

  • No, we act solely as a link between Jira and the chosen storage provider without providing an account with the storage provider.

Does Data Control for Jira's upload area remove or negate the native Jira drag and drop upload area?

  • No. Once the app is installed there will be 2 drag and drop upload areas in your Jira instance. One is Jira's to enable you to upload your files to your instance. The other is for use with Data Control. Be careful to select the right one for your work.
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