Round Rectangle

The Round Rectangle macro allows you to quickly and easily create rounded rectangles to contain content within a box with rounded corners. The rectangle size, corners, and colors are configurable. You can further customize the round rectangle with our CSS Style Sheet Macro.


  1. Navigate to the page you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Click the location where you want to add the rectangle. This can be repositioned later if required.
  4. Click Insert More Content Other Macros.
  5. Select the Round Rectangle macro from the Macro Browser.
  6. Complete the desired fields.



    Displays content in the space above the main content area between the upper corners




    Displays content in the space below the main content area between the lower corners



    Background Color

    The background color of the content area. This can be either a common color name (supported by most browsers) or a hexadecimal color code (supported by all browsers).



    Title BackgroundColor

    The background color of the title area (defaults to the same color as the overall background color). This can be either a common color name (supported by most browsers) or a hexadecimal color code (supported by all browsers).



    Footer Background Color

    The background color of the title area (defaults to the same color as the overall background color). This can be either a common color name (supported by most browsers) or a hexadecimal color code (supported by all browsers).




    The width of the entire round rectangle specified in pixels (347px default), percentage (eg. 70%) or leave undefined to stretch to fit the contents.




    The minimum height of the entire round rectangle specified in pixels (347px default), percentage (eg. 70%) or leave undefined to stretch to fit the contents.



    Corner Size

    The radius, in pixels, of the round rectangle corners. This sets the defaults for the Horizontal Size and Vertical Size parameters below



    Horizontal Size

    This parameter, which defaults to the value defined by Corner Size, defines the width of the panel corner

    Corner Size


    Vertical Size

    This parameter, which defaults to the value defined by Corner Size, defines the width of the panel corner

    Corner Size



    Lists which corners should be rounded in the order: Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, and Bottom Right.

    To have a none rounded corner change the corresponding true to false.




    Lists which rows should be displayed in the order: Top, Middle, Bottom



    CSS Class

    Use in combination with Global Confluence CSS or a CSS Stylesheet macro that you have added to your page.

    Enter the CSS class name(s) to apply to the macro (case sensitive); multiple classes can be separated by a space or comma. Do not include the.selector in the class name.



  7. Click Insert. The macro placeholder displays.

  8. Add your desired content to the macro body then save the page to display the rendered rectangle.

    Published Result

    Your content goes here

If you are still stuck please contact our support team who can offer you more assistance. 
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