Onboarding Email Template

If you're a Confluence admin wanting to communicate the features, benefits, and how to use Mosaic, this email template is a great place to start.

Subject: New Confluence App: Mosaic - Content Formatting Macros & Templates

Email Body:

Hi team, We've just installed a new app on Confluence that you can use called Mosaic. This app has 40 new macros that enable you to build more powerful content in Confluence.

Mosaic has the following features:

How to use Mosaic:

  • Go to the page on which you want to format content, and click Edit.

  • Click the Insert More Content dropdown, and select Other Macros. Then, type the formatting macro you wish to use into the search bar and select it from the option that appears.

You can also access Mosaic macros by typing '{' followed by the macro name while you're editing a page.

If you've never used macros before, take a look at Atlassian's documentation for a quick primer.


Your Confluence Admin

If you are still stuck please contact our support team who can offer you more assistance. 
You can try our full range of Mosaic macros for free by visiting the Marketplace.